Category Archives: CV-TEC

WIOA Grant Opens Doors to Success

CV-TEC always looks for new ways to boost educational opportunities in the region. The Career & Technical Education Division of CVES identified the Workers Innovation and Opportunity Act grant as a new pipeline for prosperity. So CV-TEC placed a bid and eventually received the WIOA grant, which goes toward programming for adult learners, dislocated workers and out of school youth. […]

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CV-TEC Celebrates Women in Trades

Male-dominated fields like welding, auto mechanics and policing have seen an increase in women joining the ranks. While women are gaining momentum in these positions, they are still significantly outnumbered by their male counterparts. CV-TEC wants the young women in its male-dominated programs to feel seen and supported. To provide this support, CV-TEC Director Michele Friedman created a Women in […]

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Welding (WLDG 100A)

Hands-on, exploratory course will allow adult participants to practice MIG, TIG, and Arc Welding, various welding positions, and the application of oxyacetylene cutting for weld preparation and fit up. Students are required to purchase their own welding shield, welding jacket and gloves. Instructor is a certified welder. Funding assistance is available for this course. For more details, please click here […]

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