“From school to adult living, learning and earning”
New York State Law requires that every student, age 14+, MUST receive assistance with future planning. This process is called Transition Planning and we take this responsibility very seriously. This process is a partnership between the school, family and student.
Transition focuses on five areas:
Level 1 Vocational Assessment
The transition process is designed to help students move smoothly to adult life. This process begins at age 12 with a level 1 vocational assessment focusing on the student’s interest and abilities. The Level I Vocational Evaluation is a team process. It consists of a student interview, parent interview and teacher interview. The information is then compiled into a summary report.
Career & Vocational Interest Inventories – Printable PDF
On-line assessment tools
Pre-Planning Transition Meetings
Once students turn 14 years old, an annual pre-planning meeting must be held and the information gathered must be summarized on the students’ IEP (see indicator 13). A quality transition plan is developed through interactions, conversations, and discussions informally held prior to the annual CSE meeting. What makes this meeting unique is that although it is facilitated by school staff, it is designed to fully engage the student rather than the adults. This is the time when parents are introduced to available agencies and service providers that meet their needs.
Exit Portfolio
Transitioning into the adult world after high school presents many challenges for all young people, but for students with disabilities, and their families, it can be challenging, frightening and overwhelming! Upon graduation the students are often given the responsibility of advocating for themselves and struggling to find the agencies and support services needed to be successful in the adult world. The Transition Exit Portfolio helps to create a smooth seamless transition from school to adult living by acting as a resource guide.
The portfolio may include, but is not limited to (if applicable): IPE (from ACCES-VR), most recent IEP, most recent psychological evaluation, important health information, unofficial transcript, report card, career plan, recent vocational assessment or interest inventory, exit summary, transition pre-planning notes, work evaluations, personal information sheet, resume, letters of recommendation, and employability profile.
ACCES-VR Referrals (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation)
In School Youth
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Tonya Robinson 518-561-0100 ext. 347
Click here for more Transition Online Resources