Management Services at CVES encompasses the administration, financial planning, bookkeeping, budgeting, procurement of supplies, materials and services, oversight of all school business, facilities & grounds operations, recruitment, human resources functions and employee services provided by this BOCES. The auditing function and administration of our BOCES-wide health insurance consortium and our BOCES-wide workers’ compensation consortium are part of Management Services, too.
Management Services priorities include successful completion of our first year of shared support services such as food service; and continued revising and updating of various CVES administrative procedures, protocols and templates to help CVES advance patterns of organizational practice associated with financial planning, budgeting, recruitment and human resources leadership.
Deputy Superintendent: Eric Bell
Management Services
CEWW Health Insurance & Workers’ Compensation Consortium Coordination: Co-Ser 602
Personnel Recruiting Service: Co-Ser 606
Labor Relations Service: Co-Ser 620
Central School Food Management: Co-Ser 642
GASB 75– Planning and Valuation: Co-Ser 655
Itinerant Transportation Director: Co-Ser 327