CVES Reminder in Regards to Hunting Season
Dear School Community,
Although we recognize that we are in the midst of hunting season in the North Country, we must remind our entire community that there are serious consequences for having weapons on school property. As per our Code of Conduct:
As prescribed by law, the following behaviors are serious enough to justify referral of students to the home school district for long-term (more than 5 days) suspension from school, permanent suspension, or a manifestation determination:
A. Bringing or possessing a firearm as defined by the Gun Free Schools Act to CVES
Any student found guilty of bringing or possessing a firearm, as defined by 18 USC Section 921 for purposes of the Gun-Free Schools Act, onto CVES property will be subject to suspension from CVES for at least one calendar year. … [page 24]
We ask that all vehicles are thoroughly inspected before being driven on to any of our campuses to ensure that no prohibited items are being brought to school.
Dr. Mark C. Davey
District Superintendent/Chief Executive Officer
Champlain Valley Educational Services