NYS Literacy Initiative: An Overview of the NYSED Literacy Briefs

CVES Conference Center - Plattsburgh, NY 1443 Military Turnpike, Plattsburgh

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM  (Registration begins at 8:30 AM) Lunch Provided CVES Conference Center at 1443 Military Turnpike, Plattsburgh Cost $25 per person billed through the CVES 506 School Improvement Co-Ser Presenters: Chancellor Lester Young, Commissioner Betty Rosa, Deputy Commissioner Angelique Johnson-Dingle, Assistant Commissioner Santosha Oliver, Erik Sweet, Office of Early Learning, and Dr. Nonie Lesaux, Roy Edward Larsen [...]

Model Schools Book Study – Artificial Intelligence To Streamline Your Teacher Life: The ChatGPT Guide for Educators by Mary Howard


When: Virtually January 10, 2024, February 14, 2024, and March 13, 2024 @ 3 pm Description: Applications of AI technology for classroom organization, lesson planning, and improving school-home communication are just some of the potential needs of the modern teacher. The methodologies presented in this book will assist educators in discovering the potential power of Chatbots and in particular ChatGPT to [...]