9:00 AM to 3:00 PMĀ (Registration begins at 8:30 AM) Lunch Provided
CVES Conference Center at 1443 Military Turnpike, Plattsburgh
Cost $25 per person billed through the CVES 506 School Improvement Co-Ser
Presenters: Chancellor Lester Young, Commissioner Betty Rosa, Deputy Commissioner Angelique Johnson-Dingle, Assistant Commissioner Santosha Oliver, Erik Sweet, Office of Early Learning, and Dr. Nonie Lesaux, Roy Edward Larsen Professor of Education and Human Development, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Description: This event, which will be a hybrid webinar with in-person discussion and presentations, will provide New York State administrators and literacy leaders with an opportunity to strengthen knowledge of evidence-based literacy practices in PK-12 education. Please note that to attend this event, you must attend in person at a BOCES or Big 5 designated Site.
At this event, the State Education Department will release a new series of literacy briefs via webinar that focus on the science of reading. The agenda will include an overview of the science of reading and each of the seven literacy briefs, with time to reflect and discuss with colleagues. Participants in the event will have the opportunity to learn about the briefs with Dr. Lesaux and the SED team.
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Nonie K. Lesaux, Roy Edward Larsen Professor of Education and Human Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr. Lesaux previously partnered with the Department on the series of Advanced Literacy Briefs published in 2017.
Target Audience: Administrators and Literacy Leaders
Registration via WinCap: 2023 – 2024 School Support Services (S3) Catalog