Recognizing the importance of showing students how Career Pathways may vary; this year we are looking to outline many Career Paths that areas individuals have had. We encourage you to complete the Career Pathway template (attached as my career pathway) and upload it here: UPLOAD LINK
For the past six years, a collaborative group consisting of local businesses, Champlain Valley Educational Services, Mountain Lake PBS, North Country Workforce Development and seven local school districts have designed a Career Connect initiative that culminates in the Career Connect Showcase.
The Showcase provides eighth and ninth-grade students from area schools the opportunity to meet with individuals and schools associated with the 16 career clusters. Before the event students have taken a nationally based career inventory that provides them with three cluster areas that have been identified to match their skills. Students then spend several months researching and exploring careers relating to the cluster.
Students will come with questions relating to the clusters and careers for area businesses and organizations. This opportunity gives you a chance to promote your business to the future generation and for the students to gain knowledge of the various local career opportunities in the cluster, as well as the training and education needed for the careers, and career advancement opportunities.
The Showcase also includes a session discussing soft skills, the qualities employers are looking for in prospective employees, and the best practices of interviewing.