Tuesday, February 4, 2024
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Registration begins at 8:30 AM) Lunch Provided
CVES Conference Center at 1443 Military Turnpike, Plattsburgh
Cost $150 per person per meeting billed through the CVES 506 School Improvement Co-Ser based on 20 participants.
Presenter: Melissa Dudyak and Danielle Janisewski, CVES Math Facilitators
Description: The Math Learning Community is a time for math leaders of the schools in our region to come together to discuss current trends in mathematics education, review current NYSED initiatives around math instruction, analyze regional mathematics data, set priorities for future mathematics learning opportunities, and build capacity, to learn new strategies, and to collaborate/share resources. It is a common time for professionals to grow together to ensure the success of people (staff and ultimately students) in our region. The goal of this group is to bring together mathematics educators in grades K-12 two times per year for these sessions.
Target Audience: K-12 Teacher leaders and administrators for each school who have a focus or passion for mathematics instruction.
*If you have any special dietary restrictions, please reach out to Angela Jennette Jennette_angela@cves.org after registering for this event.
Link to Register in WinCap: 2024 – 2025 S³ Professional Development