At CV-TEC, Work Based Learning (WBL), combined with employability skills training are critical components to preparing students for their chosen career path. These experiences make school-based learning more relevant
by providing students with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real world situations. Students gain work experience and are exposed to various career options. In turn, they develop an understanding of the range of post-secondary options available to them, including college, technical training, and entry-level skilled employment. To meet the needs of our diverse Career and Technical Education (CTE) student population, we offer a wide variety of Work Based Learning (WBL) options. These may
be exploratory in nature or a culminating paid experience designed to perfect and expand skills through on-the job training. CTE teachers recommend students for these WBL opportunities based on their good academic standing, technical proficiency, and workplace behaviors, including attendance. The certified WBL coordinator,
along with the teacher, student and employer develop individually tailored objectives or training plans for each student placement. Students are required to complete time sheets documenting their WBL attendance and learning experiences, and upon completion, the workplace supervisors/mentors will verify and provide feedback to students.
NY State Registered WBL Programs
Career Exploration Internship Program (CEIP)
Cooperative Career & Technical Education Work Experience Program (CO-OP)
Youth Apprenticeship Program