1-day Workshop:
May 8, 2015
Presenter: Anne Dalton, Esq.
: 8:30 am
Session: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Lunch Provided
Cost: No charge for CEWW Librarians
$75 for all others
CVES Instructional Services Center
14 Area Development Dr., Suite 100
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Workshop Description:
In this informative and interactive one-day seminar, Anne Dalton, Esquire, will provide clarification on the Fair Use (Section 107) Guidelines and Copyright Law.
This fast-paced, highly interactive, and fun session on a serious subject, complete with useful hand-outs, Q and A, and small-group discussions about real world compliance issues in today’s schools and libraries, will provide the understanding needed for responsible educational practice.
Students, parents, and educators depend on schools to model, explain, and correctly apply fair use principles, along with e- reserve, media streaming and copyright concepts and formats. Learn about copyright, fair use, the First Sale doctrine, infringement issues, creative commons licensing, student performance issues, common sense teacher rules, and parameters. Learn Teach Act guidelines and more from an experienced copyright attorney.
Administrators, Librarians, and Teachers are encouraged to attend!
About the presenter:
Ms. Dalton has 37+ years of experience advising governments and private clients on copy- right and other intellectual property matters; additionally, she is a national speaker on these subjects. She is licensed in New York, Pennsylvania and Florida. Her legal experience includes stints as Senior Attorney for Radio City Music Hall in New York City and as Legal and Business Affairs Counsel for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Network News Division and ABC NewsMagazine “20/20.”
To Register: Please mail your Registration Form to the CVES Instructional Services Center
at the above address or FAX it to: 518-561-0240
*Cost for districts not participating in the School Improvement CoSer 506 is estimated at $112.50
Lunch provided. All estimated costs are based on 20 participants. Costs will be adjusted once registration is closed.