Thursday, April 25, 2024
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (Registration begins at 8:00 AM) Lunch Provided
CVES Conference Center at 1443 Military Turnpike, Plattsburgh
Cost $150 per person billed through the CVES 506 School Improvement Co-Ser.
Presenters: Stephanie Sorgule, Assessment and Planning Coordinator
Description: This day will bring together High School Social Studies educators in the CVES region to collaborate on best practices for student success in the social studies classroom. A review of the regional performance data on the new NYS Social Studies Assessments will be shared with participants and then participants will have the opportunity to review resources from SED and the NYS Social Studies Frameworks. Participants will have time to collaborate and share ideas centered on high quality social studies instruction.
Target Audience: High School Social Studies Educators
Please note: Participants are asked to bring a laptop or device for accessing materials and any review materials that they have used in the past.
Registration via WinCap: 2023 – 2024 School Support Services (S3) Catalog